Staffing rural emergency departments, a recruiter’s perspective - with David Bienkowski, NES+ Health’s VP of Talent Acquisition
Let's talk about recruiting emergency medicine physicians - how it all works, the impact it can have, the fees involved, and NES+ Health's focus on rural communities.
About Our Guest:
David Bienkowski is the VP of Talent Acquisition and Provider Services at NES+ Health. Dave was the former National Director of Recruiting at Alteon Health, and the creator of Smart Physicians Recruiting.
In this episode, we explore the following:
- Recruiting Emergency physicians
- Getting into the mindset of clinicians
- Introduction of NES
- Hiring in rural sites
- The Future of Emergency Medicine
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Emergency Medicine Workforce is hosted by Dr. Leon Adelman, presented by Ivy Clinicians, and produced by Earfluence.
Ivy Clinicians, the Zillow of the Emergency Medicine Workforce
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Ivy Clinicians, the Zillow of the Emergency Medicine Workforce
Sign up, and when you find the right job, we'll send you a bottle of champagne to celebrate!