How the blockchain can save clinicians and hospitals from credentialing nightmares, with Dr. Keel Coleman

When we ask physicians, PAs, or nurse practitioners about credentialing in general, we get the same responses - it’s a mess. It’s horrible. I hate it.

No question, it’s a very arcane process.  But today, Dr. Keel Coleman tells us how the blockchain can save clinicians and hospitals from credentialing nightmares.

About Our Guest:

Dr. Keel Coleman is an emergency physician and co-founder of ArchiveCore.

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Emergency Medicine Workforce is hosted by Dr. Leon Adelman, presented by Ivy Clinicians, and produced by Earfluence.

Ivy Clinicians, the Zillow of the Emergency Medicine Workforce
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How the blockchain can save clinicians and hospitals from credentialing nightmares, with Dr. Keel Coleman
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